Family/Executive Protection Work

Large powerful black and tan male with a decent off switch. Muscular and very imposing frame with great bone and super structure. Suitable for family or executive protection.

Training program to suit your needs and applications.

- Family Protection
- Executive Protection

Protection Dogs
Dependability, trust, and privacy. This is exactly what we offer in DDR trained protection dogs.
Family Protection:
Basic Obedience Package:
- Come/Recall, Sit, and Prolong Sit
- Down and Prolong Down
- Place and Prolong Place: Basically teaching them to sit or stand on something a chair, a base, a table or pad.
- Leave it: To leave things you asked them to alone
- Leash Walking: They will walk right beside with or without leash.
- Emergency down: Give a command and have the dog go into a down position with minimal distraction both at side or nearby with a little bit of distance.
- Adjusted to living in home setting : Exposed to a variety of environments. Passed extensive health check, to include x-ray
Beginning protection:
Understanding the terminology the dog knows what the command means and what is expected of the dog when you say the command. Ready for final training and proofing.
- Alert: Time to work. look around or focus on the trouble
- Watch him: Focus on any threat but do not react.
- Protect: Show aggression dog should place themselves between you and the aggressor. Staying there at alert with focus and bark on threat.
- Bite: Dog will recognize term and bite the aggressors equipment.
- Defend handler in vehicle. Show aggression “when asked”
Full Warranty — 100% Satisfaction
Status Unreserved: Reserve Just Jack Now: $1500 Complete Price $4500. Call to reserve this male and customize training to fit your needs. Call for more information on availability. Only telephone calls for trained dogs, thank you for your understanding.