Gigante Line Working DDR Dogs

Only a tiny few working DDR kennels remain anywhere in the world. Located In Show Low Arizona Gigante Line working dogs is the world leader in preservation of the Old DDR working lines. No kennel in the last 30 years has placed more working line dogs in actual working environments. Although the phrase working DDR line is all over the pages of every website almost 99% of the people breeding the OLD line have never placed an actual working dog.
Arizona DDR Trained Dogs and Puppies Original Breeding Stock. The best in the world for work came here to the USA and Arizona.
We specialize in working dogs whether for protection or other services such as scent work, seizure PTSD, mobility, SAR or just the right fit for outstanding family member who will provide good protection should the need arise. The best working DDR dogs are in Arizona and located through out the world coming from Gigante Kennel, Show Low Arizona.
These DDR dogs are generally not suited for high end sport. Sport podium dogs, dogs that have a chance at regional events or higher need more unbalanced drives. Very high prey and play drive. The East German dog here coming from Arizona DDR lines have a more balanced drive with the uptick for many in the protection and defense area of drives.
The best German Shepherd for family protection and still very much real working line come from here. Reach out and let us know your needs and what the best out come for a DDR trained dog looks like and we place the right dog or puppy into family of training program.